Critical Spare Parts

Why choose Korutek for your machine critical spare parts:

Like for like replacement (OEM Parts)
Safe installation
Minimal disruption
Credibility of supplier
Trust & Knowledge
Increase machine life
Reduce risks of fault reoccurring
Hands off

Quality & consistency of your end consumer product

Critical Spare Parts

Please see our list of spiral freezer spare parts we recommend customers keep in stores in case of breakdowns.

These are critical spare parts with long lead times, that your machine can’t operate without.

This means if you don’t have these parts to hand and the particular part broke down your machine would be out of production for the duration of the ex works lead time plus delivery time.

Contact us today to discuss the details of your operation.

Not sure which part you need?

We are uniquely qualified to inspect systems for faults and opportunities for optimisation.

Learn more about our Spiral Freezer Inspection Services, or give us a call on 01603 672 455.

Some of our clients...

Critical Spares

Spare Parts Enquiry

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Do you provide international delivery?

Yes, we deliver nationally or internationally.

Do you provide installation?

Yes, we install the parts nationally or internationally.

What if I don’t know which part is needed?

We offer a full machine inspection which will find the cause, recommend solutions and identify any other potential critical issues early on so any unplanned downtime and breakdowns are avoided.

I have a Eurotek Spiral, do I need to measure the parts and provide you with any technical info?

For Eurotek machines, you will only have to provide us with the machine serial number for us to be able identify the technical specifications of the required part/s.

Do the parts come with any warranty?

The majority of our parts come with 1 years manufacturer’s warranty. We can discuss extended warranties if wanted.

Korutek Engineering Systems

Korutek build spiral freezers and chillers for the biggest food manufacturers around the world. If you’re looking for a team with a global reach that is able to provide industry-leading design and build services, contact Korutek today.