Korutek’s spiral freezer is used to reach desired temperature of products like Bacons, rolls, Buns etc.

As a supplier of spiral Freezer, Korutek Engineering was asked for:

  • Troubleshooting and Fault finding of Machine.
  • Machine Inspection.

Troubleshooting and Fault Finding:

Machine was found in halt condition. All mechanical parts were checked and found to be okay. Main drive was switched to Start but it appeared as an error displaying ”E.Fan” in VFD. Later it was identified that integrated cooling fan of VFD was not responding.

Machine Inspection:

As it is done typically, a 29-point conveyor system check, an 18-point electrical check, a 13-point check on the enclosure, a 7-point check on the belt washer were done. Additional checks on air loss, overdrive and belt were performed.

Fixes & Recommendations:

  1. VFD needs to be replaced.
  2. Top Tier sensor needs to be installed.
  3. Several Drum feet need to be fixed.


Food Hygiene was maintained. Hairnet, shoe mask, hygiene suit was ensured by site contact and some additional tools were provided to us by site contact for the easiness of job.

It was a good experience with our customer.

Korutek Engineering
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